Get well soon Flowers
Anyone who’s under the weather is likely to feel over the moon when they receive Get Well Soon letterbox flowers.
A bunch can’t fail to brighten up a day that’s probably been spent in bed, coughing up unmentionables while catching up on drama series they’ve been meaning to watch or enduring the brainache of daytime TV.
Lift Spirits
Imagine the impact flowers are going to make on days like this. In fact, don’t imagine. Just recall the last time you felt dreadful, on your sofa, off your food. How good would it have been then for you to hear the sound of a box dropping on your doormat? To have experienced the excitement of wondering what’s inside? And then opening the box and seeing fresh flowers sent by someone who’s genuinely concerned about your welfare and who’s thinking about you in your sorry state and wanting you to get better in a hurry.
That’s got to mean something, even if that someone is a work colleague who’s eager for you to get back to the office, as they’re having to pick up your share of the workload in your absence. At least they took the time to send you flowers!
You’d probably be moved enough to need to use those tissues to wipe tears from your eyes rather than blow stuff out of your nose. That’s the power of flowers. They stir the emotions and help us feel more positive about life even when illness or an accident has left us feeling down.
Brighten Up Their Day
The healing power of letterbox flowers is not medically proven, of course. But there’s definitely something about seeing and smelling flora that gives the recipient something to look forward to such as days when they’re feeling better again. They’re a sign of brighter days to come. Especially letterbox flowers which will arrive in bud to help the recipient on the road to recovery. Once they’ve been put in water, the buds will gradually transform into beautiful blooms, perhaps achieving maximum gloriousness right at the moment whoever receives them returns to full health.